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In Broad Daylight — New Movie

There is a possibility of a new movie of In Broad Daylight — this one a full length feature. I was contacted a few weeks ago by a very successful producer who expressed keen interest in making a full length feature of the book–actually more than a keen interest. He had read the article last summer in the New York Times about the story, and had’t been able to get it out of his head. I’ve seen two of his previous movies, and they are very creative and original, atmospheric. He thought the TV movie, starring Brian Denehey as McElroy, did not do the story justice. He sees a different way of telling the story, one with more subtelty and nuance, more an explanation of character, a deeper exploration of the less violent themes.

The original movie was made for TV. At first it was slated for two nights. Basically, the first night would have set up the killing with a showing of many of McElroy’s past crimes, such as the shooting of Romaine Henry.  When the first night was cut, so were these stories. It left it up to Denehey to portray the violent history through his acting. There were references to McElroy’s past crimes, such as Romaine Henry pulling up his shirt and showing his scar, but they seemed merely anecdotal. Denehey basically saved the movie; he made you feel the fear the town felt that justified the killing.

So now, it seems, it’s time to tell the story again in film. I’m excited by the possibility of someone telling the story from  a different perspective. We understand the battle between good and evil; what else does the story tell us about human nature


There’s a way to go, of course. From the idea to the reality is a long road. This guy seems quite determined, though.

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